North Dundas Fire Service launching “Saved by the Beep”


A new provincial campaign called “Saved by the Beep” is underway to bring awareness to the importance of installing and testing smoke detectors. 

“Thursday Sept. 28, 2023, is Ontario’s first Test Your Smoke Alarm Day!”, reads a section of the Saved by the Beep website. “Last year there were 133 fire fatalities in the Province – the most in 20 years. As part of Test Your Smoke Alarm Day, all Ontarians are encouraged to learn more about smoke alarms, fire safety, and home fire escape planning, which can save your life and the lives of your loved ones. Most importantly, we want you to test your smoke alarms! We’ve created free, downloadable resources in multiple languages so everyone can share this safety message.”

Having working smoke detectors in your home is not only smart, it’s also the law. Every home must have smoke detectors on every level, and near every sleeping area. Smoke detectors really do save lives – countless lives. A recent fire in nearby Kemptville’s eQuinelle subdivision just a few weeks ago is one prime example. It is believed that the occupants of that house escaped only because a smoke detector alerted them to the fire in time. 

Kreg Raistrick, North Dundas’ new Fire Chief, advised the Times that the North Dundas Fire Service fire prevention team will be conducting a door-to-door awareness campaign in the week leading up to “Test Your Smoke Alarm Day”. The Chief was unable to provide more details before the deadline because the committee responsible for the local campaign had not yet made any firm plans. 

North Dundas has a total of five individual firehouses staffed by dozens of volunteer firefighters. The local Fire Service is known not only for its quick responses and thorough firefighting, but also for its presence at local events, fundraising for great causes and providing outreach opportunities for neighbourhood kids. 

For more information on the Saved by the Beep campaign, visit