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CDSBEO Summer Learning Program 2024

The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario Summer Learning Program 2024 offered a diverse range of educational initiatives designed to engage and enrich...

The Ace Has Been Caught!

What a week for Lyle Beckstead! One minute he’s out picking tomatoes from his garden. The next minute, he has $890,896 in his bank...

Prioritize your health: come out and get tested.

Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH) is pleased to be part of an important Prostate Awareness Event on Saturday, September 14 at the hospital. The...

Unwanted Rivals for Food

Endeavoring to get some pictures, yesterday, of the Ruby Throated Hummingbirds in flight, I sat in our front room, with camera at the ready....

Idiot wind

When I first saw the video, I thought it was pretty cheesy and the narration was really forced and rang false. Then I read...

Dundas Manor Moment: loose change adds up

by Jane Adams Everyone is getting involved in The Grand Parade for the new Dundas Manor - and every little bit helps! Dale and Lois...

Global Solidarity to Eradicate Poverty

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF CHARITY Charity, like the notions of volunteerism and philanthropy, provides real social bonding and contributes to the creation of inclusive and more...

Even rain can’t kill the South Mountain Fair

Last year, it was the annual Thursday demolition derby at the South Mountain Fair that we were happy to report was a “smashing success”,...

Have you signed up to join the parade?

Let’s all go for a walk and show our support for the new Dundas Manor! The Grand Parade is back and it’s better than...

Building a Dream in South Mountain:

by Robin Kers (This story was first “published” on the Our Kemptville and What’s Up Winchester Facebook pages.) At the ripe young age of 54, with...