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Parliament Hill

There are very few more potent symbols of Canada and Confederation than the Centre Block on Parliament Hill, with its magnificent Peace Tower, which...

The Confederation Party

Canadians, when they think about the Fathers of Confederation, which is rarely, probably imagine them as rather stern and colourless individuals. They see the...


I must admit, when I first arrived in Canada many years ago, I was rather startled to find there was a public holiday to...

The Harp and the Maple Leaf

Last Sunday was St. Patrick’s Day, when people from all backgrounds celebrate Ireland’s National Holiday: a unique event. But the Irish have had deep...

The 1953 murder of Marie Anne Carrier

by Susan Peters Every now and then a story emerges that shocks a nation. It is even more notable when it happens within our jurisdiction....

A century of progress

Every week, the Times is produced by a staff where women outnumber men by 2 to 1. Women have taken a leading role in...

Isaac Johnson, stone mason and former slave

by Susan Peters, Dundas County Archives On February 10, 2021, the North Dundas Times published a short article that I had written on Isaac Johnson...

33 years later: The “almost” Smiths Falls train collision of 1991

Have you ever heard of the near-collision of two trains in Smiths Falls in 1991? The incident may not have a well-known name (like...

The singer from Winchester

by David Shanahan It was in the church on St. Lawrence Street in Winchester, built by a former slave from the United States, that the...

Slavery in Canada

Canadians know about the Underground Railway, the network by which escaped slaves in the U.S. could cross the border and find freedom in Canada....