Guide Dog Ride to benefit Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind


submitted by Jeff Murphy

This September marks the 35th edition of the National Capital Region’s longest running charity motorcycle ride, The Guide Dog Ride. The Ride, which features a Dice Run, is held each year in support of Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind. Funds raised at the event support CGDB’s mission to provide greater freedom and independence to visually impaired Canadians through the use of professionally trained guide dogs.

Registration takes place on the morning of the Ride at Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind’s National Training Centre, 4120 Rideau Valley Drive North, Manotick, between 9 and 10 am. The Ride costs $30 per person and includes one scorecard for the Dice Run and one meal at the post-ride BBQ. Cash, debit, and credit cards will be accepted, with 100% of proceeds going directly to Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind. Those returning for the post-ride BBQ will also have a chance to meet some future guide dogs and win some great prizes!

Riders collecting $100 or more in pledges, who turn in their pledged funds at registration on the morning of the Ride, will earn free admission for one person to the Dice Run and the BBQ. Pledge forms are available on Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind’s website.

The Guide Dog Ride is a rain or shine event. Individual riders and all brands and clubs are welcome! No pet dogs permitted, please. For more information and details of this year’s route, please visit or phone 613-692-7777.

About Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind

Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind was established as a registered charity in 1984.  CGDB has provided more than 925 professionally trained guide dogs to Canadians who are visually impaired from coast to coast.

To learn more about this event or Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind, visit or phone (613) 692-7777.