Keeping abreast of things

Tuesday morning, following my weekly breakfast date with friends, I was almost home when I spotted some dark figures moving in a field adjacent...

Baldwin’s Birds

On a beautiful sunny morning, what better time to see all the wonderful color that abounds, both in the garden, from the flowers, and...

A beautiful, sunny Autumn day in the countryside

Here's hoping that you all had a very happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend and that you were all able to take advantage of the...

Hairy, But Not Scary!

On this miserable snowbound day, which isn't at all cheery at the moment, but as the day is drawing to an end, it is...

Caught In The Snow!

Signs of warmth are slowly returning, as Spring emerges from the murk and cold and a number of our resident summer birds arrived back,...

Baldwin’s Birds

Phoebe or not Phoebe? That is the question! With the strange up and down weather we are experiencing at the moment, it is difficult to...

Is it a Swansong or just the Cygneture Tune!?

The other day I was fortunate enough to have a friend, who lives by the river, call me to see if I wanted to...

Baldwin’s Birds

With all our recent hot weather the birds, who we don't normally associate with it, take to the water! Obviously they don't completely submerge...

Hummy Returns!

Thursday, 5 May, was a day of note for myself and my wife, as we stepped out of our garage and heard, and almost...

A Stunning Event

The other day my wife heard an ominous "thump" by our back patio door and, on investigation, came across a "window strike" victim in...