Township of North Dundas Council Meeting


The Council met on December 8. Awards were presented to two township employees for customer service, and innovation, sustainability & leadership. Mayor Fraser praised staff saying recently there has been more teamwork, more support, and symbiotic working between departments. In presenting an award to Laurie Gibson, Mayor Fraser said she “doesn’t know the word no.”He praised her ability to transition from one task to another seamlessly. Another award was presented to Mike Sharkey, who has worked with the Township of North Dundas, and before that the Town of Chesterville, for 38 years.

The end of the year brings with it a lot of business. There are end-of-year reports, and projections for budget items for next year. The Council meetings move along quickly. A few items of note include a couple of new casual hires for the winter months. The introduction of an Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) in North Dundas, starting with parking tickets. This is intended to save time and money following up parking tickets in the courts. You may be familiar with the system in some bigger cities, which provides an opportunity to appeal for a reduction in the fine of a ticket. It keeps parking tickets out of court, which saves money and time. A new pound is in the planning stages, to serve North
and South Dundas, and North and South Stormont. Angela Rutledge, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), outlined two possible sources of funding for Investing in Canada during Covid-19, a grants opportunity that has strict timing parameters. Reports
and updates were accepted by Council. Updates on the 2021 budget were given. Updates
regarding policy development were submitted.

In short, there is no way to sum up the content from 147 pages of the meeting package. The important thing to remember is that it is your council. Virtually all the documents of all the meetings are available online, on the Township of North Dundas website. Leading up
to the meetings the agendas are posted. The entire meeting package, complete with
every document that will be discussed, is available online.

The next meeting of the Township Council is a special meeting to be held on December 15 at 7 pm.