North Dundas 2020 Annual Report to Taxpayers: A Message from Council


The Annual Report to Taxpayers from the North Dundas Council has been presented at the Mayor’s Breakfast in recent years. This year there is no Mayor’s Breakfast due to Covid-19.

Recreation Facilities were upgraded. Upgrades to the Chesterville Arena cost $50,000. The canteen at the Chesterville Arena was renovated, including new counters and floors. Change rooms were expanded, and new benches installed. New flooring was installed in the lobby, the stands, and the players’ benches. Winchester Arena got two new hockey nets. The tennis court in South Mountain was resurfaced for $25,500 and a four season gazebo and shed will be completed soon. The pump room at the Winchester pool was expanded, the electrics were upgraded, and an exhaust fan was installed. Chesterville pool was repainted, and an exhaust fan was installed. Morewood Fire Station got a new roof for $27,600, and the geothermal HVAC system at the Township office was replaced for $201,000.

North Dundas is growing. January to October 2020 surpassed all of 2019. Permits issued increased from 162 to 205, and dwelling units rose from 58 to 77. Total construction value from 10 months of 2020 was higher than all of 2019, increasing from $25,084,108, to $31,268,300. In 2019, $143,625 was collected in permit fees, in comparison to $156,747 in ten months of 2020. Development charges collected increased from $200,914 to $276,990.

The Emily 911 Farm Entrance Program, started in Southern Ontario in the wake of a tragic accident, was launched in North Dundas in 2020. Forty four signs were installed at entrances to farm fields so far. 911 signage is available for a limited time at half price thanks to a funding program from SDG.

Road paving in 2020, SDG County Roads in North Dundas

SDG 1 from Hallville to Belmeade Road, Hallville, $974,943
400m on SDG 3, Inkerman, $79,192
SDG 43 from South Streret to Chesterville Bridge, Chesterville, $66,933
SDG 7 from Chesterville Bridge to SDG 37, Chesterville, $13,100
SDG 31 CPR Grade Separation Rehabilitation Study, Winchester, $78,445
Empey MD Concrete Box Culvert Purchase for SDG 13, Morewood, $26,528

North Dundas Roads Projects

Installing New Guiderails, $430k
Shay Road from Forward Road to the end, $120 000
Forward Road from town limits heading west 2.3 km, $220 000
Ormond Road from Ormond heading east 2 km, $200k
Ronson Road from Simms Road to the end, $120K
Coulhart Road from CR 7 to Finch Boundary Road, $210K
McMillan Road from CR 7 to Forward Road, $130K
Finch Boundary Road from CR 9 to CR 13 $160K

Budget 2020:

Roads Counties: 27.2%
Roads Township 14.4%
Education 13.4%
Police Services 8.3%
Health & Social Services 7.4%
Research & Culture, 6.5%
Administration 5.9%
Planning, Developing, & Bylaw 4.9%
Fire Services 3.6%
Waste Management 3.6%
Libraries 2.1%
Court Services 1.4%
MPAC 1.3%

Fire calls in 2019: 159 total calls

53 public hazard calls
51 rescue calls
28 outdoor fire calls
14 medical calls
8 fire calls
5 other calls
Total fire calls January to October 2020: 123