Cory M. Coons special Christmas celebration


North Dundas native, and popular singer-songwriter, Cory M. Coons is celebrating another award-winning year with a Christmas song featuring the next generation of the family. Cory’s 6 year old daughter, Charleigh Lynn, joins her father on “Burning Bright at Christmas Time”, singing backing vocals on the chorus of a joyful celebration of Christmas. The track is on MTS Records and is a wonderful antidote to the isolation and uncertainty so many will be experiencing this year. Cory has talked about his reason for releasing a special track for the season.

“I believe ‘Burning Bright at Christmas Time’ is a song about reflecting, sharing and celebrating the power of healing through our spirit, and the love we share for both family, (the younger and older generations) in our lives at this time of year,” says Cory. “I feel it’s as much for both those who have so much to be thankful for, as well as for those who maybe aren’t so fortunate these days, over the holidays… Many may be suffering through difficulties this year, and hopefully this song brings some peace, good will, joy and healing to the ones who might need some spiritual uplifting at Christmas time.”

It is a warm and friendly sound: my favourite kind of ringing acoustic guitar, mixed with seasonal sleigh bells, and the video to accompany the song follows the same theme, with clips from Upper Canada Village, Christmas lights, school concerts, and a family-centred declaration of joy.

All in all, it has been another great year for Cory, professionally at least, in spite of a pandemic and the loss of so many live music venues.

Cory’s presence on Spotify is quite something too. Listened to by over 90,000 people in 53 countries, his music has been streamed more than 110,000 times. His talent is clearly recognised far outside his South Mountain roots.

And there’s still radio: and Cory has been nominated in the Male Artist of the Year category for the Music Mafia Radio Awards for 2020. It is not surprising that he seems to garner award after award, nomination after nomination, as his songs, singing, and playing have a unique style and substance.

But better yet, there is one final chance to see Cory play live in 2020, when he appears at the South Branch Bistro in Kemptville for a gig on Saturday, December 19, for what he is calling the “CMC Acoustic Christmas” Show.

You can view the “Burning Bright at Christmas Time” video on YouTube at:

Stream it on Spotify: