News as local as can be!

Marketing Consultant Hayley Bedford and Reporter Brandon Mayer of the North Dundas Times.

by Brandon Mayer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The North Dundas Times has officially entered its third calendar year as the voice of North Dundas! But who is behind this little morsel of local news and pertinent information? Two faces, perhaps recognizable to many North Dundas locals, are behind much of the content you see delivered to your mailbox. Hayley Bedford is the Marketing Consultant for North Dundas. She lives between Winchester and Mountain with her husband, and their two children. A running joke at the paper is that Hayley is the “unofficial mayor” of North Dundas, having so many business and social connections with countless locals. And then there is myself, Brandon (or “Brando” as many in town know me). Living in Winchester for years and now in South Mountain with my soon-to-be-wife, Justina, and two children, Blake and Tyler, I have been privileged to work as a reporter for the Times since last summer, meeting new people and sharing stories that matter to North Dundas locals. 

The North Dundas Times is a community driven paper. Story ideas come directly from North Dundas residents, which makes it easy to cover and print whatever is most important to the people who will be reading it.  Looking back on 2021, some important stories have included the acts of vandalism in Winchester and Chesterville, water quality issues in Chesterville, concerns from residents about local recreation opportunities, and countless feel good stories about charitable initiatives, local projects, and the community coming together in times of disaster. We don’t know what 2022 will bring in terms of local news, but we do know that we are ready and excited to cover it! 

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