SNC Partners with Ducks Unlimited Canada


The revitalization of lost and degraded wetlands in Eastern Ontario will be the focus of a three-year,  $375,000 restoration project, thanks to a partnership between South Nation Conservation (SNC) and Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC).

Earlier this year, DUC successfully submitted a proposal under Environment and Climate Change  Canada’s Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund (NSCSF) to complete numerous wetland restoration projects between 2021 and 2024.

The Government of Canada’s Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund supports projects that restore and enhance wetlands, peatlands, and grasslands to address climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as providing benefits for human well-being.

SNC will work with DUC to complete wetland restoration projects within its jurisdiction, totaling 225 acres primarily on SNC-owned properties. SNC will coordinate with municipal partners, public agencies, and landowners for projects on public and private land.

“Wetlands perform many functions that improve climate resiliency, address water quality issues and protect our communities from flooding. They’re also essential habitat for as many as 600 species of wildlife in Canada,” explained Michelle Cavanagh, SNC Stewardship Lead. “We’re thrilled to be working with environmental leaders like Ducks Unlimited Canada to conserve and restore these important features.”

SNC has an existing partnership in place with DUC to provide support and expertise for DUC wetland restoration projects under the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks’ Wetlands Conservation Partnership Program. The success of this partnership and SNC’s local expertise led DUC to request SNC support with the implementation of the wetland restoration projects under the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund.

“We look forward to continuing our successful partnership restoring wetlands that will strengthen biodiversity and climate-readiness in eastern Ontario communities. Working with South Nation Conservation, we can efficiently identify high-value conservation opportunities in these communities and put on-the-ground restoration where it makes a positive difference,” says Owen Steele, DUC’s Head of Conservation Programs for Ontario.

Landowners looking to do restoration work on their property can contact SNC by calling 1-877-984-2948 or emailing