100 Men Who Care returns to North Dundas


by Dan Gasser

After taking a year off due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the popular 100 Men Who Care fundraising event is returning to North Dundas to raise another $10,000 for a local charity’s project.

The event will take place at the Chesterville Legion on Thursday, October 14 and registration is now open at www.100northdundas.com.

The fundraising pitch is simple: 100 men bring $100 each to a one-hour event to raise $10,000, all of which will go to local charities votedon by the participants.

While the event is not capped at 100 participants, there is expected to be a limit due to the venue’s COVID-19 capacity restric-

Men interested in more information and wanting to reserve a spot can visit

Regular email updates will be provided to the enrolled men.
The $100 donation is not required at the time of on-line registration, but rather participants bring a blank cheque or cash with them on October 14.

All participants will receive a $100 tax receipt for their donation.

“Something super inspiring”, said MP Eric Duncan,a founding member of the 100 Who Care movement in North Dundas. “Something else that’s pretty cool.” There are thousands of
chapters of the “100 Who Care” movement, including both Men’s and Women’s
chapters in North Dundas which were established in 2018.

Each group held exceptionally successful events in 2018 and 2019, raising more than $60,000 combined for local charities, including the House of Lazarus’s Handy-man Heroes Program, Community Food Share, the Winchester Hospital and more.

Due to public health concerns, events have been can-celled since March, 2020. The 100 Who Care committees in North Dundas rallied together last November to help raise
funds for the North Dundas Christmas fund, a joint volunteer effort supported by all of our local Lions Clubs, the House of Lazarus, Community Food Share, and many of our local churches. That generated an impressive $14,450.

Any charity or organization who supports North Dundas and is able to issue a tax receipt is invited to present at the 100 Men Who Care event. Information on how to apply
can be found on the website.