St. Paul’s Community Garden donates 257 pounds of food

    A team of community garden volunteers and friends of the garden are seen in this photo with the completed shed, purchased with a grant from Enbridge

    by Jane Schoones

    Clients of the food bank operated by Community Food Share have been the recipi-
    ents of 257 pounds of fresh garden produce this summer, thanks to the efforts of the
    dedicated volunteers at St. Paul’s Community Garden.

    On the grounds of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Winchester, the garden is a coop-
    erative project of the church and Community Food Share serving Dundas & Stormont.

    As the gardening season winds down for the summer, thanks are due to the Community Garden volunteers for dedication to planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting the bountiful produce from the garden.

    Thanks are alsoextended to Tom Clapp and St Paul’s for the welcoming sitting area, where volunteers and visitors can take a break.

    The garden, begun in 2018, quickly outgrew its small storage area and, thanks to a grant from Enbridge, a much-needed larger garden shed was purchased and erected by a group of volunteers.

    The Township of North Dundas got on board and provided a grant for a washing station,
    where vegetables could be cleaned before going to the food bank.

    As a community project, the garden was fortunate to receive a donation in the spring from K2D2 of compost for the garden. And, also in the spring, Galactic Gardens & Plot of Earth donated plants.

    Now, as the volunteers look toward next year’s garden, a fund-raising project is in the

    Fries for Charity will be held at St Paul’s Church, 517 Main Street, Winchester,
    during the GARDEN PARTY MARKET on September 11, from 1 to 3 p.m.
    The Community Garden has proven to be a welcome addition to the variety of
    projects and events that help make Community Food Share the successful organi-
    zation that it is.

    Remember: “We have food and are ready to help”. If you, or someone you know, is in need of food, please call (613)-774-0188 Winchester, or (613)-543-0065 Morrisburg for assitance.