Township Annual Report to taxpayers


The 2020 Annual Report by the Township of North Dundas has been released and can be found on the Township website at: The Township Council included the following as part of the Report.
A Message from Council

Without a doubt 2020 has been one of the most challenging years of our time. It has forced us all to be strong and to adapt, to protect those that we love and keep the community safe. North Dundas residents have shown tremendous resilience and our strong sense of community has served all residents well.

Our community enjoyed new or revised activities this year. Mountain Township Agricultural Society hosted several drive-in movie nights, the Township offered Zumba in the park and community bike rides with the Mayor, and Nation Valley ATV club held a number of rides. Other outdoor activities like South Mountain Disc Golf, kayaking on the South Nation River and a walk through the Oschmann Forest trails have also been enjoyed by many.

We must not forget that by working together, we can beat COVID-19 and come out the other side stronger and more connected. Now more than ever, we need to support our local businesses. They have been there for us for years and now they need our help. Many of our local stores and restaurants have an online presence. If you choose on-line shopping, support them instead of the bigger chains. We all need a break once in a while, so leave the cleanup for someone else and order a local meal regularly!

This year has demonstrated that we live in a fabulous, supportive community. The Township staff continue to adapt our services to ever changing regulations and recommendations in an effort to keep everyone safe. We hope that each person in our community will continue to do their part, help each other and most importantly, stay safe and healthy.