The 166th Spencerville Fair is on


The Spencerville Agricultural Society has been working tirelessly, around the clock, to organize this year’s fair.

For those of you who don’t know, our annual fair takes a year of planning and organizing to put together. But with the strict restrictions put in place by our Health Unit, this year’s fair will look and feel different, and that’s because it is.

We are presenting to you the 166th Spencerville Fair – Hybrid Edition. This means that we will be bringing you a virtual and in-person event.

Like last year, you will be able to tune in and enjoy the fair from the comfort of your home.

There, you will be able to experience fair favourites, including our Baby Show, Pet Show, Livestock Show, Talent Show, as well as all of our exhibit building competitions, virtually.

Check out our 2021 Fair Book online for more details and make sure you enter before August 29, 2021.

We have waived the exhibitor fee, so it is FREE to enter and you will still win PRIZE MONEY. This year, we will also be bringing back a ‘Paint with Christine’ session for those who would like to paint from home, a video provided by the Grenville Milk Producers, which will take you on a tour of the local Dairy Farms, Storytime with the Edwardsburg/Cardinal Library, as well as countless educational videos based on all thing’s agriculture.

For the first time ever, we are also excited to announce that this year’s Spencerville Fair will be hosting a Virtual Brewery Tour! We have partnered with a number of carefully selected, local breweries for this one-night event.

During this virtual tour, we will be taking you behind closed doors of some of the up-and-coming breweries in the area. You will hear from the brew master themselves as they take you on a tour of their brew site, share their brewery’s history, and guide you through each sip of their original products.

You will be able to experience the excitement of different beers and ciders, surrounded by members of your community, all without leaving your home. Tickets for this event will go on sale soon. You will not want to miss this!

On the Saturday of the fair weekend, we will be opening our grounds at 12 o’clock noon for a day of FREE events! That’s right, as a thank you to our faithful and loving community, admission to this year’s in-person fair will be completely free of charge.

On this day, we are excited to bring to you a Stationary Parade, Vendor Show, Touch a Truck, Food Vendors, The Barn of Learning, Farmers Olympics, and Live Music featuring performances by Amanda Keeley, Urban Rodeo, The Posse, and Brea Lawrenson. All this and more are heading your way.

Bringing our Spencerville Fair back each year to our community is incredibly important to us. We sincerely appreciate everyone’s understanding and patience while we navigate through these difficult times.

With your help and participation, we are confident that this year’s 166th Spencerville Fair will be nothing short of a success.

More announcements to follow as we work through all of the details. For updates regarding the fair, schedule, map, and COVID-19 restrictions, please visit our website at, or find us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Come Home – and Tune In – to Your Fair!