South Nation Conservation Elects New Executive


Board Members appointed by South Nation Conservation Authority’s (SNC) 16 member municipalities were confirmed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, March 18, 2021.

The 2020-2021 Board Executive was unanimously re-elected to serve for the 2021-2022 term: George Darouze, Councillor for Osgoode Ward in the City of Ottawa, was re-elected as Chair; Pierre Leroux, Mayor of Russell Township, was re-elected as Vice-Chair; and Bill Smirle of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry was again confirmed as Past-Chair.

Composed of 12 members, SNC’s Board of Directors oversees the Authority’s budget, programs, and services, and works alongside staff to champion local conservation initiatives. The members of the SNC Board are; Michael Brown, Public Representative, Gerrie Kautz, Public Representative and Catherine Kitts Councillor, representing the City of Ottawa; Mayor Guy Desjardins of Clarence Rockland, Mayor François St. Amour, of La Nation representing the United Counties of Prescott and Russell; Councillor Steve Densham, North Stormont, Councillor Archie Mellan, South Dundas, representing the United Counties of Stormont Dundas and Glengarry; and Dana Farcasiu, North Grenville Public Representative, Councillor John Hunter of Edwardsburgh Cardinal representing the United Counties of Leeds Grenville

“On behalf of the Executive, I thank all members and staff for putting your trust in us as the Conservation Authority faces new challenges and opportunities to protect and enhance our local environment,” said SNC Chairman George Darouze.

The Board also approved SNC’s 2020 Annual Report at the AGM, which showcases program highlights from the preceding year, including community projects, development review, tree planting statistics, Conservation Area upgrades and visitation, and forestry and environmental stewardship initiatives.

“We adapted to the needs of our member municipalities and area residents to deliver a record-breaking year in development reviews, environmental protection, and providing outdoor natural spaces, and we are proud to highlight some of this great work in our Annual Report.” said Angela Coleman, SNC’s General Manager and Secretary-Treasurer.

The AGM was live streamed online and is available to watch on the Conservation Authority’s public YouTube channel.