Rain puts damper on IPM Quilt Tent

2022 IPM Raffle Quilt WinnerShown, left to right are Nancy Grundy, Margaret Ruppel, winner of the 2022 IPM Raffle Quilt, and Teresa Harrison. Nancy and Teresa were the 2022 IPM Quilt Committee Co-Chairs

submitted by Elaine MacNaughtan

The 2022 International Plowing Match and Rural Expo, which was held in North Grenville September 20 -24, has come and gone. It was five very busy days showcasing agriculture and Rural living.

Unfortunately, the rain put a damper on the Quilt Tent and the IPM Quilt Committee had to make the difficult decision to not display the majority of the quilts. Using the entry area of the tent, it was possible to display the smaller items on wire frame racks along with the three quilts made from the 2022 IPM Quilt Block Challenge. The barn quilts were also displayed on fence railing.

Inside and outside the tent, there were beautiful displays of autumn flowers, pumpkins and corn stalks. Planters, which were made with barn quilts on all four sides, were filled with marigolds and strategically placed. Kudos to the volunteers who made this happen.

The Kemptville District Hospital Auxiliary and Victoria’s Quilts Canada, Kemptville Branch, each had a display where they were able to promote their cause. These two groups along with The Kemptville Quilters Guild, The Thousand Island Quilters Guild and The Upper Canada Quilters Guild came together to plan, organize and execute both the August Show and IPM Quilt Tent. They were under the leadership of co-chairs Teresa Harrison and Nancy Grundy.

During the week, there was a running photo slide show of the quilts that were in the August IPM Quilt Show and should have been hung in the tent. Also shown was a video of the August quilt show which was produced by Betty Cooper. The quilts not hung were kept in a safe dry place offsite.

The raffle quilt, which was one of the three quilts made from the quilt block challenge blocks, was won by Margaret Ruppel. The other two made from these blocks were given to the 2019 Queen of the Furrow and the 2022 host family, Charles, Rosemary, Zachary and Kirsten Bennett.

Stitch by Stitch Quilt Shop from Kingston had a display and a draw for a Brother SE600 Sewing, Quilting and Embroidery Machine. Anyone entering the quilt tent could fill out a ballot for a chance to win. The winner of this machine at the IPM was Yvonne Lindfield. The quilt shop also held a draw at the August Quilt Show for the same make and model of sewing machine, this one was won by Bernadine Lavers.

Many good memories were made at the Home on the Farm Quilt Show & British Tea and at the IPM Quilt Tent. The IPM Quilt Committee would like to thank everyone involved for contributing to those good memories with your creative talents and fellowship.