New officers appointed for Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus


At the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC) annual inaugural meeting on January 11 and 12, hosted by the County of Lennox and Addington, Renfrew County Warden Peter Emon was re-elected as Chair, and Peterborough County Warden Bonnie Clark was acclaimed as Vice-Chair for the 2024 term.

(left to right): EOWC Vice-Chair, Bonnie Clark (Warden of Peterborough County), EOWC Chair, Peter Emon (Warden of Renfrew County)

Mr. Emon responded to his election: “I am honoured my colleagues in eastern Ontario have shown their faith in me once again. We will work together to address the issues and champion solutions that impact residents of rural eastern Ontario. I look forward to the year ahead and being around many decision-making tables”.

In her statement following her re-election, Vice-Chair Bonnie Clark said: “In my second year as Vice-Chair, I will continue to bring key issues forward on behalf of rural eastern Ontario municipalities and their residents. I look forward to working together with Chair Emon, our Caucus colleagues and staff, and identifying new priorities for the remainder of 2024.”

At the meeting, the 2023 EOWC members were thanked for their efforts on behalf of residents of eastern Ontario. For the purposes of continuity, the EOWC will stay the course with its priorities for the initial months of 2024. This will inform advocacy during EOWC’s delegation meetings at the 2024 Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference to be held on Sunday, January 21 to Tuesday, January 23, in the City of Toronto.

The EOWC’s priorities include affordable and attainable housing, and the 7 in7+ Regional Housing Plan, long-term care, and modernizing the construction approval process to support economic development. The Caucus will re-evaluate its strategic plan and priorities during the priority-setting EOWC meeting to be held in March 2024, as it has done in the past.

The Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC) Inc. is an incorporated non-profit organization that includes the Heads of Council of 13 municipalities (11 upper-tier counties and two single-tier municipalities). The EOWC covers an area of approximately 50,000 square kilometres from Northumberland County to the Québec border. The EOWC supports and advocates on behalf of its 90 local municipalities and 800,000 residents across the region. The EOWC has gained support and momentum by speaking with a united voice to champion regional municipal priorities, and works with government, business leaders, the media, and the public.