New Dundas Manor a “beehive of activity”


Everyone was happy to don hard hats and work boots today for an inside peek at the new Dundas Manor – including MP Eric Duncan, MPP Nolan Quinn, North Dundas Mayor Tony Fraser and SD&G Warden Jamie MacDonald. Local leaders, staff and volunteers – and resident Joan Dunlop front and centre – suited up to check out the busy construction site. 

“It’s a beehive of activity and it’s very exciting,” noted Dundas Manor Administrator Susan Poirier. “We are so proud to show off the new Dundas Manor to our community – even at this early stage of construction.” Positive comments about the size of the new building and the speed of construction were heard throughout the quick tour as Redevelopment Project Manager Phil Marleau provided an update on the project.

(l-r) Maureen Adams, Chief Administrative Officer; Tony Fraser, Mayor, North Dundas; Jamie MacDonald, Warden, SD&G Counties; Lisa Little, Chair, RHI Board; Nolan Quinn, MPP, Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry; Resident Joan Dunlop; Cholly Boland, CEO; Dundas Manor Administrator Susan Poirier; Eric Duncan, MP, Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry; Philippe Marleau, Redevelopment Project Manager; Kristen Casselman, WDMH Foundation Managing Director; and Laurie McElheran, Campaign Co-Chair.

The new Dundas Manor will be more than double the size of the current home. Thirty additional residents will be welcomed. There will be four resident home areas called Homesteads. Each one will have a wonderful gathering space as well as beautiful outdoor gardens nearby. Hallway dining will be a thing of the past as there will be four large, bright dining rooms with enough space for everyone. Rooms in the new home will be larger – and everyone will have a window.

“The project is on budget and actually slightly ahead of schedule,” added CEO Cholly Boland. “And the WDMH Foundation continues to lead the fundraising efforts right alongside the construction work. We are grateful to everyone in the community who is supporting the campaign to build the new Dundas Manor.  We know we can do it together!”

The total cost of the new home is $63 million. The Ministry of Long-Term Care is providing $45 million. To date, more than $13.3 of the $18 million campaign goal has been given by our generous community. Thank you!

If you have questions about the new Dundas Manor building, please contact Phil Marleau at or 613-774-2422 ext. 6341.

For more information on the fundraising campaign to build the new Dundas Manor, please visit This website also includes resident and donor profiles as well as photos of the new home.