100 women in South Dundas really care!


While we are working hard to help build the new Dundas Manor and supply it with everything needed to care for future residents, we haven’t forgotten about the needs of the residents living in the current home. The 100 Women Who Care About South Dundas haven’t either!

This energetic group recently donated $10,000 toward the purchase a new portable lift. The portable lift allows one caregiver to easily and safely transfer a resident to and from their bed, wheelchair, toilet and tub or shower, to assist them with dressing, bathing and other discreet hygiene needs – all while maintaining the residents’ dignity. Portable lifts can be moved wherever they are needed, ensuring availability to multiple residents daily.

Janeen Wagemans, who leads the 100 Women Who Care About South Dundas, stopped by Dundas Manor to check out the new lift and take a tour. “I was excited to see where the money had gone to and to see the home,” she says.

The current Dundas Manor is home to up to 98 residents, with 30 more to be welcomed in the new home. Most of the residents are from Dundas County, both North and South, as are the staff.

“It was fun to make our pitch to the 100 women and have such a positive response,” notes Cindy Ault Peters, former Campaign Assistant. “The good news is that the lift will be used right away in the current home, and then will move to the new home when that’s ready – helping many residents and their caregivers for years to come. Thank you!”