Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor,
Reading the North Dundas Times highlights the important diverse contributions of community members past and present. Thank you for this education.

Thanks also for the efforts of The South Nation Conservation Authority who last week planted another 500 trees on our land, including many native pollen and nectar producing tree species, offsetting the loss of Ash trees.

In 1978, we started planting trees as we noticed the shift away from bee sustaining clover and alfalfa crops, to corn, then soya beans.

We continue to maintain over 80 acres of managed forest, a diverse natural habitat sustaining over 51 species of birds, on the edge of South Mountain. We observe changes in our forest every year. We estimate this year, only 1/10 of the former population of our native pollinators, bumble bees, small wasps and other insects have visited the trees in bloom.

We appreciated the well researched article in the North Dundas Times by Joselyn Morley on Clearview Herbicide & Gateway Adjuvant used on township roadsides. We believe the township of North Dundas respects our No Spray signs, and we are grateful for that. More signs are needed on more properties.

Now native and non native insect populations are dangerously diminished. We lost all our honey bees this year. In previous years, we have had to replace them five times.
This loss is not sustainable.

Lack of biodiversity, pesticides and herbicides seeping into ground water play a huge role in this loss. Many of us understand that mowing weeds would be a safer, more desirable alternative.

Forest destruction around us leads to lack of habitation for thousands of essential pollinating species, 420 species of native bees, other insects, butterflies, birds, and animals.

Continued elimination of hedgerows, and native plants, represents ignorance and greed.

Underestimating the value of this biodiversity, combined with under estimating the harmful effects of many agricultural chemicals, puts us all in peril. If you think most of our politicians put our health before that of industry, look at the COVID mess Canada is now experiencing.

Not fully understanding that forests encourage clean air, carbon sequestration, and water conservation will lead to greater environmental disasters, and more drought. The drought effect is now showing up from clear cutting forests in British Columbia.

If you read books on the environment, or watch some of the Global Forest and Borealis documentary’s on TVO, you see the importance of forests for healthy ecosystems. Our native trees will do the heavy lifting, giving us more oxygen, habitat for essential species, food and medicines.

We need to eliminate the use of toxic chemicals, re-think large monocultures, encourage smaller family farms, vegetable gardens, value native trees and plants, fresh air and water purity and conservation …while we still can.

Thank you
Susan and Hugh Hamilton
South Mountain Ontario