Have you signed up to join the parade?


Let’s all go for a walk and show our support for the new Dundas Manor! The Grand Parade is back and it’s better than ever. We hope you can get your walking shoes on and join us in support of the new Dundas Manor. If you want to dress up in a fun costume, that works too!

This family-friendly, fully accessible event includes a 2.5 or 5 kilometre walk around Winchester. Participants will enjoy complimentary facepainting, a BBQ lunch, coffee, snacks, music and more. Fancy coffees will be on sale, and we will have raffle tickets available for some incredible prizes like a new Jeep, and a gazebo and outdoor kitchen. Plus, accessible porta-potties will be onsite this year.

“This event is an important fundraiser toward the community’s $18 million portion of the project. We are almost there with only $4.44 million more to go!” explains Cindy Ault Peters, Campaign Assistant. “We hope everyone will come out and join us for a walk around Winchester. And if you can’t join us on September 21st, no problem. You can do your walk another day and still be part of the fun and this essential community project.”

Team captains can sign up online and create teams of friends and family to raise funds and walk together. Every walker who raises $150 (adult) or $75 (youth) or more qualifies for a Grand Parade t-shirt. And, if you would like to walk but don’t want to start a team, please join the WDMH Foundation one!

“No experience is required for the walk – just a big heart and a desire to help. If you’ve been thinking about supporting your community and the new home, now is the time!”, sums up Cindy.

This year’s Grand Parade has some added fun:

Dwayne Holmes has sported a beard since 1972. In fact, his daughter can’t remember him without a beard and his grandkids have never seen him without it. But that’s all going to change on September 21 at The Grand Parade when he shaves it all off! Let’s support Dwayne as he aims to raise $3,000 leading up to the big reveal. Visit https://bit.ly/beardshaveforDM to make your pledge.

Lauree Laing works at Dundas Manor and says she is inspired by the residents every day. Lauree has waist-length hair and is willing to cut it to chin-length if her family, friends and community sponsor her, reaching at least $1,000. Let’s support Lauree leading up to the big cut. Visit https://bit.ly/haircutforDundasManor to make your pledge.

“Dwayne is one of the founders of the WDMH Foundation. He has been raising funds for WDMH for many years, and now also supports the Dundas Manor campaign. Lauree understands the need for a new home and has already raised more than $150 for the new home by selling hollyhock seeds,” notes Cindy. “We are grateful to both of them for these creative events that will also be a lot of fun! Let’s help them ‘shave and shake it off’!”

The big shave and cut will take place at The Grand Parade on September 21 at noon when the walk is complete.

For all the details on The Grand Parade, to sign up, or to donate, please visit https://thegrandparade.org/location/winchester.

For more information about the Expanding the Circle of Compassionate Care campaign, please visit www.dundasmanordream.ca or contact the WDMH Foundation team at 613-774-2422 ext. 6162 or 6169.