First baby of 2024 arrives at 20:24!

Marissa, Everett, Eloise and Ben Noort.

An annual tradition of announcing the Winchester District Memorial Hospital’s first baby of the year got even more special this year due to a neat coincidence. This year’s “first baby” was born at precisely 8:24pm, or “20:24” on the 24 hour clock!

The winner of this year’s “first baby” honour was Everett Noort. Surely such an opportune and “happy chance” birth minute will bring the lucky boy much happiness and good fortune in his life, if you believe in such things, that is!

Jane Adams, the WDMH Communications Lead, was happy to share the news of this unique twist on this year’s first baby. 

“Everett Noort didn’t want anyone to forget his big debut, so he made sure the time was memorable – arriving at 20:24 on January 1st, 2024!” Jane wrote in a press release. “Everett is the first baby born at Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH) in 2024. His parents Marissa and Ben – and big sister Eloise – couldn’t be happier!

“The Noorts have strong roots in the area. They live in Winchester in the house that Ben grew up in. Now they are making new memories with their daughter and son.”

Marissa says Eloise is very excited about the new arrival: “She didn’t want to have her afternoon nap without her baby brother in the same room.”

“Thank you to all the staff, nurses and Dr. Rivington,” Ben added. “We forget some of the names, but everyone was great!”

The WDMH birthing unit is well known throughout the region and beyond for its excellence. In 2012, a survey report from NRC Picker Canada and the Ontario Hospital Association named WDMH as the Province’s top performer in maternity care. In that study, it was reported that 89.5% of moms who gave birth in Winchester would recommend the hospital to family and friends. 

Over a decade later, our local hospital continues to boast a stellar reputation, with many expecting parents choosing to give birth in Winchester even when another hospital is closer. There were an astounding 796 babies delivered in the WDMH maternity ward in 2021, a number so high that it made Ottawa headlines. 

The Times offers its congratulations to the Noort family, and its well wishes to the wonderful staff at the Winchester District Memorial Hospital. 

Jane Adams invites anyone who would like to provide comments or suggestions about hospital services to please contact Cholly Boland, President and CEO at 613.774.1049 or by email at