Two years ago, Dundas Manor resident, Joan Dunlop, stood beside Dr. Merrilee Fullerton, Minister of Long-Term Care, as she announced that a new Dundas Manor would be built in Winchester. Today, Joan is one of the many Dundas Manor residents who are providing input on the final architectural plans for her new home.
“The pandemic has slowed down our planning, but it hasn’t dampened our enthusiasm for a new home,” says Joan.
On the same day that the announcement was made, the first set of COVID-19 pandemic protocols were put in place. Over the next 24 months, the Dundas Manor team’s sole focus was to keep residents safe and keep COVID-19 out of their home. “It is an understatement to say that our team has gone above and beyond. I am so proud of how they have cared for our residents and each other,” says Administrator Susan Poirier.
“While some COVID-19 protocols will remain in place for some time, it is exciting to turn some of our focus back to planning for the new home,” notes Cholly Boland, CEO. “The good news is that we are incorporating some of the things we’ve learned during the pandemic, particularly related to infection control.”
The planning team is working closely with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Joan Dunlop says she can’t wait to see the shovels in the ground. “On the first day, I’m going to lay down on my new bed, read, and eat candy!”
For more information about the new Dundas Manor, visit www.dundasmanor.ca/ourredevelopment.