Queen’s Park Update

by MPP Jim McDonell This past week, our Eastern Ontario Health Unit region returned to the Orange Restrict level that our communities lived under last...

Sustainability: What is a CSA? Why bother?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, or Community Shared Agriculture. A farm sells a "share" of their harvest in advance. Sometimes, you will hear...

SDG sets 2021 budget with tax decrease

The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry has approved, in principle, its 2021 budget, which may result in a tax savings for many...

Ontario delays March Break

Stephen Lecce, Ontario's Minister of Education, issued the following statement regarding March break: "In support of our collective efforts to keep schools safe, we are...

Has Capitalism killed Journalism?

by Lorraine Rekmans When I was a young reporter working at a small town newspaper in 1989, the challenges to cover local news effectively and...

Against the Grain Farms

Shelley Spruit founded Against the Grain five years ago, with a focus on the re-establishment of heritage grains for human consumption, with an emphasis...

Gardening: I forgot the Onions!

I forgot the onions!! Digging through my big bag of seeds last week, I realised that I'd forgotten all about onions! Onions are very...

Province and Municipalities work to improve Social Assistance

The Ontario Government is working with its municipal partners to better connect people to the supports they need as the next step in the...

Public Consultation: Mapping Natural Heritage Systems, SDG & South Nation Conservation

South Nation Conservation (SNC) held a public consultation meeting on February 9 for residents within the United Counties of Stormont Dundas & Glengarry to...

Eating disorders combine secrecy and compulsion

Eating Disorders Combine Secrecy and Compulsion It’s plainly evident that many people are eating too much. But several serious eating disorders can be harder to...