Life with Connor the Weatherman

featuring Connor Mockett Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another week of Life with Connor the Weatherman! This week I’d like to talk about a couple...

The importance of well water testing

In Ontario, we are fortunate to have an abundance of drinking water, and it is important to conserve what we have. Not all drinking...

The Food Corner

By Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville School is still in and it’s still time to make hearty meals for the kids and grandkids. Hearty also...

Some of our high-flyers!

Well, our birds all seem to be on the move, or in the process of doing so, as they either return to our part...

Heartfelt thanks!

Sharon Monteith has a big heart and decided to raise funds for the WDMH Foundation during Heart Month in February. Happily, many others opened...

AutismNeurodivergent in the workplace

by Cath Cross I'm writing this heartbroken and on the verge of crying. My son, 29, is on his second job in one year. Last...

Kind gesture at Mary’s Restaurant

“Life can be unpredictable… be humble and kind.” This is the message that Robin Portieous – a server at Mary’s Restaurant – is sharing...

New Board Executive at SNC

South Nation Conservation (SNC) held its Annual General Meeting at its office in Finch on March 21st, 2024. The meeting highlighted key moments of...

Letter to the Editor – open letter to Council

Dear Editor,  An open letter to Council: It is Saturday, March 23 and I am having a coffee with my wife and reading a book (an...

CDSBEO Board meeting report

by Amber LaBerge, Communications Lead, CDSBEO Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Superintendent of School Effectiveness Norma McDonald, along with CDSBEO Faith Animator John Whyte, presented information on how...