The haves and the have nots

When was the last time you heard a municipal council brag about stifling growth? Probably never. That’s because all municipalities self-promote to facilitate growth...

The long and winding road

You know that saying: “Travel broadens the mind”? I’ve been thinking about that a lot over the last couple of weeks, partly because by...

Time of the season

Readers may have seen the notice in this issue concerning the upcoming municipal election scheduled for Monday, October 24 of this year. That may...

Everybody hurts

Before Covid, before Brexit, before Ukraine, before Trump and all the other disasters that have hit the world, it seems we were all sleep-walking...

Our house

The housing crisis being faced in Ontario today is not unique to this province or country. It seems that, wherever you look, the cost...

The West’s awake

A few issues ago, I wrote about the leadership race in the Conservative Party of Canada , noting that it seemed the fight between...

It’s my party

In the midst of the horrible atrocities being perpetrated by Russian forces against the people of Ukraine, it may be hard to find anything...

Standing on the shoulders of others

I grew up on a farm where my mother raised six children on her own, including four girls who grew up to become very...

Peace will come

There was a really strange coincidence on Friday. As police moved against the protestors in Ottawa, I spent the day watching people being interviewed...

Dazed and confused

I wonder: has the world just gone mad, or was it always like this, but we didn’t notice? Whatever you think of the trucker...