The party we’re not invited to

If I am not mistaken, somewhere in the time frame of grades 5-7, school students in Ontario begin to learn about the systems of...

The snowball keeps rolling

A recent study funded by the Government of Canada has answered a question that I’m sure had everyone on pins and needles – Do...

The spirit of giving up

One hallmark of the Christmas season is the number of campaigns that get underway to feed the hungry and help the homeless. I can’t...

It’s all in your head

The holiday season is over. For many, that simple statement of fact can cause real, debilitating feelings of depression. A survey conducted in 2015...

The last place trophy

One of the many events held in the month of June is the ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge. The challenge seeks “Canada’s Most Active Community”...

Shelter from the storm

It sometimes seems that the world is about to explode into something bad. Democracy itself seems to be under threat in the very places...

The glass tipped over

What a snowy winter this has been so far! Compared to the last few years, with only my own memory as a source, I...

Carry that weight

As can be seen in an article in this issue, North Dundas has managed to escape the worst effects of the covid-19 pandemic. Compared...

Look ma, no hands!

The world and the people in it both have a funny habit of changing. To ignore this change would be unwise. To attempt to...

Did I pass, dear?

The Times is lucky to have so many well-informed, intelligent readers. A few of these readers submitted letters last week regarding what can be...