Night and dusk

Isn’t it fascinating how big of a difference in community quality and spirit a local government can make? This month officially marks one year...

A bath with a toaster

Curiosity is not a sin. Humans are curious by nature, and being curious is a driving force behind learning and discovering. There will always...

Symphony of embarrassment

Living in the “Ottawa area”, it can sometimes feel like stupid federal government decisions (and there sure are a lot of them) are “our...

Go buy some wood

We’ve all heard that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. It’s such a common expression because it’s such a good one....

Wild world

Editor Brandon is currently vacationing Brandon, so I have been allowed back for this issue, with appropriate warnings to behave myself. With that in...

Did I pass, dear?

The Times is lucky to have so many well-informed, intelligent readers. A few of these readers submitted letters last week regarding what can be...

Good ol’ Maslow

“Won’t somebody please think of the children!?” Such a classic line never gets old, and I would say it aptly summarizes probably about 95%...

Look ma, no hands!

The world and the people in it both have a funny habit of changing. To ignore this change would be unwise. To attempt to...


Ah, the joys of summer. Can you feel them coming? Summer is now here, and has been for about a week. Those who love...

X does not equal X

Small towns talk, and they love to talk about bad drivers. Sure, people who live and work in large cities can’t drive either, but...