Building a Dream in South Mountain:

by Robin Kers (This story was first “published” on the Our Kemptville and What’s Up Winchester Facebook pages.) At the ripe young age of 54, with...

Life with Connor the Weatherman

featuring Connor Mockett Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another Life with Connor the Weatherman column. I’ll be continuing on with the stories about my storm...

Life with Connor the Weatherman

featuring Connor Mockett Hello, everyone! Welcome back to Life with Connor the Weatherman. This column will be yet another chase day story from my Chasecation...

Cheers to solidarity

by Jeff Brownlee As a frequent customer of a number of LCBOs in the region, I feel compelled to comment on a recent op-ed about...

Birds on the go!

The recent changeable weather has altered some of our birds’ regular patterns of activity, as their young have finally fledged and are now making...

Aug 12 Perseid Meteor Show

by Gary Boyle The best meteor shower of summer belongs to the Perseids. The entire shower lasts from July 14 to September 1 with the...

Coming of Age

Whilst our House Wren struggles valiantly on, feeding its still house-bound new brood, the neighbourhood has the privilege of seeing some of the other...

Life with Connor the Weatherman

featuring Connor Mockett Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another Life with Connor the Weatherman column. This is yet another continuation of the Tornado Alley Chasecation...

The Food Corner

by Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville When all of the fresh vegetables come out of our garden at the same time, we might feel a...

The fight is not over

by Lynn Kennedy The LCBO strike may be over, but the fight isn't. Ontarians have gotten a reprieve of three years without store closures, but...