Birds eat bugs

Not all birds eat seeds. People love to put up bird feeders, and fill them with seeds, but there are many birds that would...

Spraying Clearview Herbicide & Gateway Adjuvant

The Township of North Dundas, as well as the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry (SDG) began spraying roadsides with pesticides to control...

Gardening: No Mow May

No Mow May began in the UK, but quickly took off anywhere people were worried about the decline in pollinators, and the decline in...

Companion Planting

Companion planting is the practice of putting different plants together in the garden to benefit one or both of them. It can be as...

5 tips to consider before jumping into starting a hobby farm

(NC) Running a small farm with a garden and animals such as chickens, goats and pigs can be very rewarding. For many of us,...

What’s sowing…

April's weather can be all over the place! In the space of a week, it can go from sunny and warm, to rainy and...

Gardening- Hardening Off

Hardening off is the process of toughening up your tiny, fragile seedlings, before you transplant them and leave them outside at the mercy of...

Flowers in your vegetable garden – try mixing it up!

Seems like people either grow food, or grow flowers. If they do grow both, we've been conditioned to grow them separately; we have the...

Choosing the right plant

by Dan Driedger Scanning the web can quickly reveal a host of individuals and businesses who are selling plants at this time of year. Interest...

Food from the forest promotes biodiversity

Forest gardens are something you might expect to find in the tropics, but the concept has taken hold in temperate areas as well. Forest...