Arena sign update: no leads


As reported in the last issue of the Times, the roadside sign at the Winchester Arena was badly damaged by a motor vehicle collision in the late evening hours of October 12. A witness at the time reported that she had seen the collision occur, and that it was the result of joyriding gone wrong. 

The OPP has now confirmed that on the night in question, officers did attend the Winchester Arena in response to reports that a motor vehicle collided with the sign and then drove off. However, the motor vehicle was not located following the incident, and with insufficient evidence to proceed, there is no ongoing investigation.

The sign was taped off to prevent anyone getting too close in the days following the collision, and was eventually removed entirely for either repairs or replacement. 

The original witness who spoke to the Times has one important message to add in the wake of the incident: “Hopefully it brings some awareness to the reckless driving on Main Street. People drive way too fast. One day, a kid is going to get hit crossing to get to the park.”

It’s true that driving in North Dundas leaves much to be desired. Crosswalk violations have been a problem for years, in addition to speeding and a continued daily problem of vehicles driving the wrong way on one-way streets near the hospital. 

Just because no investigation is currently open, does not prevent those with information from coming forward. The matter can always be reopened if sufficient information comes to light to justify proceeding. Anyone with information relevant to the investigation should contact the SD&G OPP at 1-888-310-1122. Those wishing to remain anonymous can call Seaway Valley Crime Stoppers instead at 1-800-222-8477, or submit a tip online at