A double donation from the Rotary Club of Chesterville and District


submitted by Jane Adams

Quack! Quack! The Rotary Club of Chesterville and District has donated the proceeds from its famous annual Duck Race to the WDMH Foundation – to be divided equally between two worthy causes. $1,700 will go to the Foundation’s Family Care Fund, and $1,700 will go to the Expanding the Circle of Compassionate Care campaign for the new Dundas Manor.

“The Rotary Club of Chesterville and District has proudly supported the Winchester District Memorial Hospital in many ways throughout the years, including the Renewing the Vision campaign, hosting third party events and now our annual Duck Race,” notes Rotary President Martin Derks. “We will continue to support the Winchester District Memorial Hospital and Dundas Manor, as both are important to us and our community.”

“This is just ducky!” says Manager of Major and Planned Giving Erin Kapcala. “The donation to the Family Care Fund will be used where it is needed most: to buy new medical equipment, upgrade existing equipment or meet other urgent needs at WDMH. The donation to the Dundas Manor campaign will help us build a brand-new, larger home – adding more space, privacy and comfort and we will welcome 30 more residents.”

For more details about the WDMH Foundation, please visit www.wdmhfoundation.ca. For more details about the Dundas Manor campaign, please visit www.dundasmanordream.ca or contact the WDMH Foundation team at 613-774-2422 ext. 6162 or 6169.