Province and Municipalities work to improve Social Assistance


The Ontario Government is working with its municipal partners to better connect people to the supports they need as the next step in the province’s plan to modernize the delivery of social assistance. As part of its plan, frontline workers will have more time to focus on connecting clients with supports such as job readiness programs, housing, childcare, skills training and mental health services. At the same time, the province will gradually take on more program administration to make it easier for people to navigate the system.

“Ontario is facing deep economic challenges brought on by COVID 19,” said Todd Smith, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services. “Our government is taking action by developing a sustainable social assistance program that takes the administrative burden off local front line workers, so they can spend more time helping their clients connect to community supports that will get them ready for jobs.”

As part of the Recovery and Renewal Plan announced last fall, the province worked with municipalities to design a Vision for Social Assistance Transformation to ensure people are getting the right supports at the right time so they can re enter the workforce. The vision outlines plans for a new social assistance delivery model that allows frontline workers to focus on results for people rather than paperwork. Based on a 2018 study, caseworkers spent approximately a quarter of their day – about 400 hours a year – filing and organizing paperwork.

Under the new delivery model:

  • The province will focus on overseeing social assistance applications and payments making it quick and easy for people to access the system while safeguarding program integrity. Currently, 47 agencies at the municipal/District Social Services Administration Board level co fund and manage delivery of social assistance in Ontario.
  • Municipal partners will use their expertise to deliver person centred casework and knowledge of local supports to help people get back to work and access supports to stabilize their lives such as housing and health care.

“Ontario finds itself at a significant crossroad,”said Minister Smith. “e must continue our work to renew the social assistance system during and after the COVID 19 pandemic, supporting the province’ economic recovery and helping the people of Ontario find financial independence and stability. Our plan for a transformed social assistance system will help us achieve that.”

Work on social assistance reform is already underway and will be phased in over the next several years. The province continues to build on this work which includes centralized intake and prototyping a streamlined applications process to continue to free up staff time so they can focus on client support.