Year in review


by Todd Lihou,
Corporate Communications Coordinator

As we begin the new year, it is an opportunity to look forward to what lies ahead, but also a time to reflect on the year we have just finished. 2020 was not what anyone could have imagined, but at the SDG Library we can be proud of the positive things we did accomplish.
Early in 2020, we launched a new digital book platform, cloudLibrary, that provides an improved user experience at a more economical cost. One of the best features of the new platform is the access to cloudLink, a digital inter-library loan service that provides access to more than 200,000 titles from other libraries in Ontario.

And despite working under the unique conditions resulting from COVID-19, the Library also successfully launched a new online catalogue using BiblioCore. BiblioCore makes it easy for patrons to explore and discover Library materials, manage their Library account and connect with staff and other patrons.

The challenge of staying connected with our communities, while also limiting access to our branches, was a daunting task at the beginning of the pandemic. However, SDG Library staff rose to the challenge and found creative and innovative ways to offer services, programs and activities. From the creation of the SDG Stay-At-Home Book Club, to a completely online TD Summer Reading Club program, to STEAM, genealogy and other general interest Zoom programs, the Library continued to offer opportunities to bring people together and to share ideas.

“We are incredibly proud of the efforts of our staff over the past year” said Karen Franklin, Director of Library Services. “And we look forward to using our new tools and skills to continue to offer exceptional library services to SDG.”

2021 may be starting with limited access to physical library services, but it doesn’t mean that the Library is closed. All branches are currently open for curbside pick-up service, digital materials are available anytime at, Library support is available through email and phone, and virtual programs, both new and old are being planned. As well, we are getting ready to celebrate 50 years of the SDG Library. No matter what 2021 throws at us, we look forward to continuing to bring you library services!

The SDG Library provides library services to the residents of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. Fifteen branches are located throughout SDG, or online at For specific questions or comments, please contact Susan Wallwork at, or (613) 936-8777 ext. 226.