2021 South Nation Conservation Board of Directors


Member municipalities within South Nation Conservation’s (SNC) watershed jurisdiction appoint representatives to the Board of Directors, which oversees SNC’s budget, programs, and environmental services.

The Conservation Authority’s four volunteer Standing Committees also help review programs and develop recommendations for the Board.

SNC’s environmental stewardship success depends upon local, community partnerships to build strong, sensible programs with broad-based support.

Area residents interested in Committee vacancies can contact SNC at 1-877-984-2948, or info@nation.on.ca. More information on SNC’s Board and Committees can be found here: www.nation.on.ca/about/board-directors-and-committees.

In response to COVID-19, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks directed Conservation Authorities to amend their administrative by-laws to allow for virtual meetings. For now, public Board and Committee meetings will continue to be held remotely and livestreamed on SNC’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/SouthNationCA.

2020-21 SNC Board of Directors:

Board Executive:
Chair: George Darouze, Councillor – Ward 20 Osgoode, City of Ottawa
Vice Chair: Pierre Leroux, Mayor, Russell Township
Past-Chair: Bill Smirle, Public Representative, United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry

United Counties of Stormont Dundas and Glengarry Representatives:
Steve Densham, Councillor, Township of North Stormont
Archie Mellan, Councillor, Municipality of South Dundas
United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Representatives:
John Hunter, Councillor, Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal
Dana Farcasiu, Public Representative, Municipality of North Grenville