What a Reunion, Thank You!


submitted by Eric Duncan and Gina Jaquemet, Co‑Chairs, NDDHS60

All we can say (after getting some sleep and cleaning up): what a wonderful Reunion!

After 18 months of planning and preparing, we were so proud to welcome hundreds of NDDHS student and staff alumni “back home” this past weekend.

‑ 350 guests at the Friday Night Reception

‑ 350+ at the Open House and Staff Lounge

‑ 450 guests at the Dinner and Dance

Thank you to everyone who attended and made this weekend a success. It was a wonderful chance to reconnect with friends and colleagues, and to fundraise for a new round of NDDHS beautification projects.

We had guests join us from around the world ‑ as far away as France, Costa Rica, Ireland, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Massachusetts, British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, New York, and more.

Send Us Your Pictures

We would love to keep a digital album of any photos you have from Reunion weekend. Please email them to info@nddhs60.ca and we’ll make sure to save them for future Reunion events!

How can you help further? Income tax deductible donations accepted! 

If you enjoyed the Reunion, or you couldn’t attend but want to support the efforts of our volunteers, you are able to make a donation (with a charitable tax receipt provided) to the Reunion Committee quickly and easily online.

Every $20, $50 or $100 donation builds the momentum for us to create new projects at NDDHS. Receipts are provided for any donation over $20, so get a head start on lowering your tax bill next filing season for a great cause!

We will soon have a total amount raised from the NDDHS60 Reunion weekend, so keep posted on the number by checking out our Facebook page.

Thanks again to everyone who attended, supported, spread the word, and volunteered to make the NDDHS Reunion a big success. We couldn’t be more proud of how it all came together‑ and we could not be more proud to be alumni of NDDHS.

All the best and enjoy the rest of your summer!