WDMH conducts mock emergency scenario


Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH) and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) conducted a mock emergency code scenario in the WDMH Emergency Department on the morning of Wednesday, October 30th.

Locals may have noticed increased police presence around the hospital during this mock scenario. There was no threat to public safety. The hospital remained open during the mock exercise. All patient services and facilities were fully operational and regular visiting hours were in effect, but members of the public were urged not to come to the hospital unless you are receiving medical care or visiting a patient.

Mock emergency code scenarios are educational and rehearsed on a regular basis to ensure that staff and stakeholders are prepared for an emergency and can learn from mock exercise debriefs.

Patients and visitors in the hospital were notified before and after the exercise took place.

If you would like to provide comments or suggestions about hospital services, please contact Cholly Boland, President and CEO, Winchester District Memorial Hospital at 613.774.1049 or by email at cboland@wdmh.on.ca.