UCDSB Trustees Meeting report


Trustees with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) met on Wednesday, February 9, 2022. Some of the items discussed in the public session are as follows.

Anti-Sex Trafficking Protocol Implemented:

Superintendent Marsha McNair along with Principal Don Lewis reported to Trustees that UCDSB’s newly created Anti-Sex Trafficking protocol has officially been implemented. The protocol, which is a directive from the Ministry of Education, will provide support coordinated action by all community partners to prevent, identify and recognize sex trafficking and develop responses to facilitate early and appropriate intervention. Staff will receive training in this protocol and students will receive educational awareness implemented into the curriculum. This protocol will provide an added layer of protection for UCDSB students.

Student Transportation Update:

Ward 9 Trustee John Danaher presented to the Board an update regarding student transportation. There were several updates provided. Among them included that Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario (STEO) has seen several bus route cancellations take place this school year due to driver shortages. Trustee Danaher also offered an update on STEO’s Inclement Weather Zone Review and stop-arm cameras on school buses. Work and review is underway on both of these initiatives. STEO expects to be able to provide an update later this school year.

Operations Management Update:

Several superintendents reported to the Board updates from their respective portfolios.

Human Resources Superintendent Chad Brownlee provided a staffing shortage update. As reported during previous Board meetings, the UCDSB is experiencing similar staffing issues to other school boards. To date, no UCDSB schools have had to close due to staffing shortages, but plans are in place should it occur.

Executive Superintendent Jeremy Hobbs shared with Trustees a Community Use of Schools update. As of February 1, UCDSB reopened schools for community use for previous permit holders. Permit holders must abide by current safety protocols – no spectators, cannot exceed 50 per cent capacity, and all participants must be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Superintendent Bill Loshaw reported to the Board that all extra-curricular activities remain paused, as directed by the Ministry of Education.