Township of ND Council Meeting


The Council of the Township of North Dundas held their regular meeting on February 9. It was held virtually, recorded by Nation Valley News, and posted online on the Township website and on Nation Valley News’ site. All of the meeting minutes are posted online after the meeting. The board package with agenda and everything you need to follow along is always posted online well in advance of the meeting. Everything is available on their website

Director of Finance, John Gareau, asked that council approve routine tax assessment reductions in order to reflect updated MPAC assessment values. Khurram Tunio, Director of Public Works, recommended hiring Brock Lama, the successful candidate for the full-time position of Truck and Coach Technician. Council approved the allocation of five routine water and sewer units for the new Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) Daycare development in Winchester, and four for a new infill 4-plex in Chesterville. At the next meeting of council, Director Tunio anticipates having a more detailed report concerning the demands on the water capacity, and an overall look with which to support a discussion surrounding commercial flows, where we stand, and what different options we have in terms of water and sewer. Mayor Fraser stated that information regarding the holistic overview of the units available, and the combined residential, commercial / industrial / institutional, is an important piece of information to have. We need a better idea of the general health, and the future of the current system, and what we can anticipate going forward. Deputy Mayor Armstrong agreed that the numbers are sorely needed to help decide where to go from here with regards to water and sewer capacity. We need to know the whole picture.

Calvin Pol, Director of Planning, Building, and Enforcing, recommended that Council accept a revised Zoning By-law application currently submitted for the property at 29 Main St, Chesterville, to create a residential unit in the back of the building. Public meeting with regards to this application will be held on February 23 at 6:30 pm. K202 Landscaping has been awarded the contract for snow clearing and salting for the new dry hydrant located in South Mountain, for the remainder of this winter, and for the winter of 2021-22.

Meaghan Meerburg, Director of Recreation and Culture, recommends seeking a Canada Cultural Spaces Fund grant for $25,907.50 to allow for the replacement the HVAC system in the Old Town Hall. CAO Angela Rutley explained to council that the policy passed last year to allow five day’s leave for permanent employees in the event of possible Covid-19 exposure or concern, does not extend to contract employees. Council approved the policy be extended to those employees, to allow them to stay at home when they have symptoms or possible exposure to a positive case of Covid-19. To date there have been very few people availing themselves of “Covid Days.”

Stephen Mann presented quotes to print the Explore North Dundas Guide, intended to come out in April, 2021. At the Council meeting of November 3, 2020, Graphic Design was awarded to Henderson Printing, Photography was awarded to Citizen North, and Article Creation was awarded to Nation Valley News. Calls for tenders for printing closed on February 4, and Stephen Mann recommended at the February 9 meeting to award the printing contract to Hunai/Xhunai. Citizen North, the company awarded the contract for photography, is located in Montreal. Henderson Printing is located in Brockville.

The Waste Diversion Newsletter has been distributed to all the entities that the township is required to notify in accordance with Ministry of the Environment standards. It is a requirement to make the public aware of our waste diversion practices, and or practices which could be implemented into our waste management operational plan in the future.
Arenas will open again once when we return to a colour coded system. If we open into a green, yellow, or orange zone, Recreation Department estimates having 40 hours of ice rented out at the Winchester Arena, and 18.5 at Chesterville. If we open into a red zone, those numbers would drop to 14 and 8 hours respectively.

North Dundas is hiring for Summer, 2021. Spring and Summer 2021 employment opportunities include: outdoor pool coordinator, head lifeguards, lifeguards and swim instructors, maintenance and park labourers. The deadline for applications is March 12 at 4:30 pm. See the Job Opportunities page at for job descriptions and instructions on how to apply.