This August, celebrate your local downtown and Main Street!


submitted by IDA Canada

This August, IDA Canada, a national coalition of the International Downtown Association, invites the public, the business community, and decision-makers to recognize Downtown and Main Street Month: an opportunity to celebrate Canada’s vibrant downtowns and main streets, and to raise awareness about the critical role they play in communities across the country.

Canadian business neighbourhoods and city cores are varied in form, size and make-up, and yet they all play an important role in communities nationwide as key centres of social and economic prosperity. The impact of Canadian main streets extends far beyond their geographic boundaries – they’re the heartbeats of their municipalities and provinces, and vital parts of the Canadian national identity.

Communities across Canada continue on the road to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, with dramatic changes in lifestyles and working routines for many. In fact, many of Canada’s largest cities were ranked in the bottom 25% of recovery rates for North American cities at the end of 2022. 

At the same time, business and events on main streets are indeed back in full force across Canada, and continue to rely on support from other businesses, their local communities, visitors, and all levels of government. As Kate Fenske, Chair of IDA Canada and Chief Executive Officer of Downtown Winnipeg BIZ, said, “Initiatives from the pandemic that supported small businesses and public space were invaluable, and many have shown their permanent value given their revitalizing impact on downtowns and main streets.”

During Downtown and Main Street Month – taking place during August 2023 – IDA Canada encourages the public, the business community, and decision-makers alike to celebrate Canada’s business districts, and bolster support for their interests and impact. “Connect with your local Business Improvement Association (BIA) and small businesses”, encouraged David Downey, IDA President & CEO. “Visit downtowns and main streets, shop local, and voice your support, whether that’s around the corner or across the country.”

About IDA Canada

IDA Canada, a national coalition of the International Downtown Association, represents organizations across the country that manage Canada’s business districts, making them vital places in the nation’s identity and key centres of economic wealth. The goal of IDA Canada is to unite Canada and lay the foundation of the coalition’s Canadian advocacy and research efforts.