The Weather with Connor


featuring Connor Mockett

Connor Mockett

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another week of The Weather with Connor. This time we’re actually going to talk about the weather! Haven’t done too much of that lately.

As of right now, it’s November 30th. There’ve been a couple of storm systems in the last month that have not lived up to what they were supposed to be. The first one was November 8th, a quick little system that was supposed to give us multiple centimeters of snow for the first time in the winter season. That did not happen, and it turned into a mostly ice pellets and rain event with the temperature not cooperating.

Then, the next one was more recent, on November 21st. This one was a difficult forecast for any forecaster, with so many precipitation types at play and the temperature hovering around 0 degrees. My personal thought was that there’d be snow first, maybe a bit of ice pellets, and then rain afterwards the next morning as the temperature rose further. I was wrong (mostly) about the snow, that’s for sure. I thought nearly 10cm would fall, but it turned into an ice event entirely with some wet snow mixed in, and then the regular rain. Not what I thought would happen!

Now, with the first weekend of December on the way, there’s an opportunity coming up for some more mix of rain and snow. Some models are showing some wet snow traversing through the region, with rain around as well. It’s unknown as of right now if there will be much snow accumulation, or how much rain will fall throughout the region. Surely, I will let everyone know on Facebook when the time comes for the forecast for the event.

In the longer term for December, there are regular opportunities for some flurries. These would be just the usual December flurries, and wouldn’t pose much of a problem towards anything. There are, on every model run usually, opportunities for winter storms further away. Those are extremely uncertain, though, so I won’t even go into any detail on them.

For me personally, the business that I’ve started is going well so far. Lots of forecasting has been done, and it keeps me very busy on a lot of days. I’ve also been selling my 2024 calendars, which feature photos from my storm chasing season last summer. That’s been going insanely well. As I type this I’ve sold over 160 of them already! If you’re interested, you can email me at or message me on Facebook, and order as many calendars as you’d like.

Also, I just wanted to thank all of you, the readers, for the great reception I got from the last column about my Fiance and I. Lots of people in the past week have walked up to me in public and congratulated me, which is really cool. It’s a super exciting time for both of us!

Thank you all for reading, and I’ll talk to you all in a couple of weeks!