The Importance of Spiritual Care


submitted by Jane Adams

Spiritual care is an important part of the support provided to each of our residents at Dundas Manor. Our Pastoral Care Team consists of staff and local clergy who visit Dundas Manor on a regular basis. Each month, residents are provided with an opportunity to participate in interdenominational church services, hymn sings, Bible study, pastoral visits and occasional outings to churches.

“We provide our residents with the opportunity to rejoice, give thanks and ask for assistance if needed,” explains Jennifer Hill, Activity Programs and Services Director. “Working with our wonderful spiritual care volunteers, our team provides outreach, prayers, compassion, music, wisdom and a listening ear.”

Before Christmas, the Activity and Recreation team hosted a gathering with the pastoral care team to provide an update on the Manor and talk about future planning. Thirteen Pastors and church volunteers attended along with Dundas Manor staff. The goal was to talk about what has worked well and how we have adapted spiritual care during the pandemic.

“Our team looks forward to gratefully welcoming back pastors and groups as the pandemic guidelines allow,” adds Jennifer. “In the meantime, one-on-one and small group engagements have been increased to support our residents.”

Meaningful activity and recreation programs are a fundamental area of daily living that is essential to the well-being and quality of life of all residents. Our spiritual program is an important part of how we help our residents engage, succeed, and enjoy.