SDG plans to advocate for improved rural education


The United Counties of SDG is making a priority the advocacy of rural education for local students. SDG will hire an external resource to develop an advocacy document for the promotion of rural education within the County, with a recommendation on the preferred consultant coming back for council review as soon as possible.

The County began the process this month by issuing an RFP to solicit proposals from interested and experienced parties who will draft documentation that will serve as a basis to advocate for augmented rural education options for SDG students.

“While education in Ontario is governed by school boards and the province, SDG can play a significant advocacy role in ensuring that access to quality education for our young people is paramount,” said Warden Frank Prevost.

A link to the RFP can be found at

“There is a substantial body of literature confirming why educating children in or near their home communities is important, particularly from a social capital point of view,” said SDG CAO Timothy Simpson. “The intent of this report is therefore not to confirm what we already know, but rather to propose tangible policy solutions to make rural education in our region better.”