Recognizing World Elder Abuse Prevention Day


As June 15th is observed as World Elder Abuse Prevention Day, it’s important to recognize not all seniors are in the best of circumstances. Every year it’s estimated 200,000 that 10% of seniors are victims of elder abuse. Physical, sexual, psychological, or financial abuse and can result in distress, impairment, or bodily injury. Every senior deserves the right to feel safe, and live free from abuse.

The theme of World Elder Abuse Prevention Day for 2023 is “Rights don’t get old.” Basic human rights of older adults are challenged and undercut every day. Experts believe elder abuse is not only significantly under-reported, it remains a hidden crime. Within the Eastern Counties alone, the Carefor Elder Abuse Prevention Program has seen an increase of over 40% in financial elder abuse cases in 2022.

Tanya Mayich, Carefor’s Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator, and Community Network Chair for the Prevention of Elder Abuse for the Eastern Counties and Akwasasne shared, “Seniors are being targeted by persistent scams and fraud every day. Financial abuse against older adults can be devastating, and can often leave victims with no way to recoup their losses. It’s necessary to ask questions and to not share any important personal and financial information.”

It is imperative within our local community that we educate ourselves of the universal warning signs and the associated risk factors concerning elder abuse, and advocate for the rights of seniors. Tanya explained, “This day is celebrated to advocate for seniors so their voices can be heard. We must acknowledge elder abuse as a public and human rights issue throughout the community and around the world. Every older adult deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and we can only make a difference if we mobilize together as a community.”

Seniors have the right to live free from abuse and you can make a difference. If you know a senior experiencing any type of abuse, if you need support, or have any questions or need further information call Carefor’s Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator at 613 932-3451 ext. 4244 or visit 205 Amelia St., Cornwall, ON K6H 3P3 • T/T : 613-932-3451 • F/T: 613-932-9298 •

About Carefor and the Elder Abuse Prevention Program

Carefor is a local not-for-profit charity that provides home healthcare and community support services across Eastern Ontario. Whether in the home, in the community, at care facilities or one of its clinics, 1,500 staff are part of the circle of care that is tailored to clients’ needs. The Elder Abuse Prevention Program served over 140 vulnerable seniors this past year in the Eastern Counties.