Raise your virtual hand and make a bid!


It’s just one week away and it’s going to be fun! We are pleased to announce a new Online Auction in support of the new Dundas Manor. The auction site will go live at 6 pm on Sunday, April 21st at https://bit.ly/helpbuildthenewdundasmanor and will close on Sunday, May 5th at 6 pm. 

“We have a lot of great things to bid on, including some big surprises,” notes Campaign Assistant Cindy Ault Peters. “There’s something for everyone so please visit the website and get ready to start bidding on the 21st!”

The process is simple. Visit the Auction website, sign up for an account by following the steps or log into your existing account, and bid on your favourite items. You will receive a text or email notification when someone outbids you, right up to the closing time. Winners will be notified and can arrange for item pick-up through the WDMH Foundation. Payment can be made online by credit or by cash when picking up an item.

The auction also includes sealed bid items. Each participant bids without anyone seeing or knowing the other bids. You have one chance to place your very best bid and will be notified if you have the winning one at the end of the auction. Sealed bid items will be shipped to the successful bidders at no charge.

“We are so grateful to everyone who is supporting our fundraising efforts for the new Dundas Manor. This is another way that you can get involved and make a difference – while picking up a unique gift for someone special, a Mother’s or Father’s Day gift, or maybe something special for yourself,” sums up Cindy Ault Peters. “Happy bidding!”

For more details about the Dundas Manor campaign, please visit www.dundasmanordream.ca or contact the WDMH Foundation team at 613-774-2422 ext. 6162 or 6169. If you are a local business interested in getting involved, please call Cindy Ault Peters at 343-572-6345.