Pre-construction begins for Kemptville CT Scanner


Kemptville District Hospital (KDH) is delighted to announce that construction is underway for their new CT Scanner addition. Pre-construction work started on Monday, September 23, with the removal of the parking island and cement curbs around the new CT Modular Cassette space. The prefabricated addition will be located at the back of the hospital just around the corner from the Emergency Room (ER). 

This work is being done in preparation of the CT modular cassette unit, which is expected to arrive before Christmas 2024. The 1,350 square-foot addition will house a state-of-the-art CT Scanner from GE HealthCare and tie into KDH’s Diagnostic Imaging (DI) Department, making it seamless for patients. 

“All of us at KDH are very excited to see progress happening with the CT Scanner,” said the hospital’s CEO, Frank J. Vassallo. “We are so grateful to our generous and caring community for supporting the Crossroads Campaign, and our excellent Foundation for getting us to this point. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this critical project over the years because it’s going to benefit countless people.”

Construction contractor delays have pushed the anticipated opening date by a few weeks, to early 2025, but KDH is working with the contractor to see how much time can be made up. 

A small portion of the main KDH parking lot, closest to the ER, will be fenced off to accommodate construction. A few parking spaces will be impacted over the coming months, but additional parking is available behind the KDH Health Centre across from the ER, as well as in the upper parking level.

Having a CT Scanner at KDH will improve access to medical care for ER patients and inpatients who need CT, free up local ambulances by decreasing the number of patients being transferred to other facilities, and help reduce CT wait times for the region as a whole. 

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