Playing catch-up with local rec facilities

Local kids Titus (left) and Liam (right) enjoy the free show of a new condenser being installed at the Sam Ault Arena

After being approved by Council in the regularly scheduled meeting on July 18, the condenser at the Sam Ault Arena has been replaced. The condenser had a projected cost of $89,000, which Council agreed could be taken from reserve funds. The replacement took place on August 13. It’s just one of several needed repairs that has come up recently for local recreational facilities, including the arenas and pools in both Winchester and Chesterville.

At the August 15 Council meeting, members of Council also heard that the roof at the Joel Steel Community Centre / Sam Ault Arena needs fixing. Meaghan Meerburg, the Township’s Director of Recreation and Culture, reminded Council that the Arena in particular has been suffering from “water infiltration issues”. She pointed out that drips create small bumps that freeze on the ice, as well as small holes in the ice pad which can reach the concrete if the water digs deep enough, leaving dark spots in the ice. The affected areas can create holes with soft edges, and patches of small, dull finishes across the ice, which can impair skaters.

“Both of our rinks do need substantial repairs,” noted Councillor John Lennox at the August 15 meeting. He also urged those watching the Council meeting to take note of the fact that the Township is actively trying to keep up with repairs through gradual maintenance, while waiting on a broader master plan that will address the deteriorating condition of some of the Township’s aging recreational amenities.

“This is patch work, patch work, patch work,” added Deputy Mayor Theresa Bergeron. “I hope that the minor hockey leagues appreciate how much money that we’re putting in just for them to have their sport… To me it’s like bad money after bad money until we actually do something concrete.”

Councillor Gary Annable and Mayor Tony Fraser agreed that the interim repairs are a necessary expense. Councillor Matthew Uhrig was absent from the meeting.

“I have reservations about seeing the expense of some of the things that might be proposed as solutions to the issues in North Dundas with the facilities,” said Mayor Fraser. “We need to be comfortable with the tax dollars that will be spent for the future on these facilities.”

During the meeting, Director Meerburg confirmed the installation of the Sam Ault Arena condenser two days prior, and noted that two dehumidifiers for the Arena were scheduled to soon arrive. Combined with painting of the Arena floor scheduled for August 23, and cooling already underway thanks to the new condenser, everything is right on schedule for Winchester’s Arena.

Other highlights from the August 15 Council meeting will be covered in the September 6 issue.