Ontario Volunteer Service Award nominations now open


Organizations and Committees can now nominate their volunteers for an Ontario Volunteer Service Award to recognize their continuous service ranging from five to 65 years of continuous service. Youth (24 years old and under) can be recognized for two or more years of continuous service.

The new annual deadline for nominations is November 15.  For more information about the program or to submit a nomination, please visit the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards webpage.

The Ministry will provide more information about the ceremony to recognize 2022 volunteers in late Fall.

If you have questions about the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards or how to submit a nomination online, please contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat at:

Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat
Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism
1075 Bay St, 7th Floor
Toronto, ON  M5S 2B1, Telephone: 416-326-0206
Toll Free: 1-833-986-4022 , VRS: 437-538-4850
Email: OntarioVolunteerServiceAwards@ontario.ca
Website: www.ontario.ca/honoursandawards