News release from Community Food Share


Clients of Community Food Share have had access to over 3,600 pounds (1,650 kg) of fresh produce this year, thanks to the generosity of the charity’s community partners.  

The Grow-a-row program started several years ago has taken off to the point that community gardens in North and South Dundas and North Stormont have been able to donate almost 1,400 pounds of fresh produce for clients at Community Food Share’s food banks in Winchester, Morrisburg and Finch. Add to that another thousand pounds from gleaning the gardens at Upper Canada Village and it has been a very successful growing season.

Jane Schoones, administrator at Community Food Share expressed her gratitude at the cooperation and hard work provided by the volunteers at St. Paul’s Community Garden in Winchester and by the Iroquois Matilda Lions Club, along with the gardeners in North Stormont (Finch) and in Chesterville. Again this year, Upper Canada Village invited Community Food Share volunteers into the village gardens to glean remaining fruits and vegetables at the end of the season. The provision of these donated  produce items saves thousands of dollars for Community Food Share, along with providing healthy food choices for clients in Dundas and Stormont Counties.