Mayor Fraser’s New Year greetings


Hello, and my best wishes to everyone for a more positive New Year. We have endured 10 months of an unimaginable situation. I am so proud of the efforts made by our community members to deal with this pandemic, the way we have followed the guidelines as laid out by Dr. Paul, our Chief Medical Officer of Health, the way we have continued to be a caring, compassionate community, and by the way we have continued to support our local businesses in these trying times. I am so proud of us and so proud to be a member of this community.

The changes that this pandemic has made to our lifestyle and our relationships with family members, friends, acquaintances, and strangers will continue for the foreseeable future. A New Year’s message should be a message full of joy, happiness, and promise for better times; unfortunately, this year’s message is one of encouragement to continue doing the right things to ensure that all of us have the best chance to get through this pandemic as healthy as possible. We need to continue being considerate of others, we need to follow the best practices as recommended by our health care experts, and we need to be supportive of our community and all those within it who try to make our lives more comfortable.

We have done well in North Dundas, our efforts to control the spread of this virus is working; but we need to redouble our efforts at this time to ensure that we don’t allow this virus to overwhelm our health care workers or our health care system. The numbers across Ontario are rising, and it is imperative that we react with vigour in order to lower the number of cases in our area. We are a strong, supportive community that has consistently demonstrated our compassion for each other, and must be mindful of not letting down our guard. My New Year’s wish is that we continue being considerate of each other’s well-being, and keep following the EOHU recommendations. My hope is that 2021 will be a much more joyous year than 2020.

Take care, be kind and be good to each other,
Tony Fraser, Mayor
Township of North Dundas.